If you want to know how to stop raccoons from killing your chickens, then you’ve found the right article. In this article, not only will you find out how to stop it from happening, but you’ll also learn the signs to look for to know its raccoons, why they do it in the first place, and other frequently asked questions!
So keep reading to find out everything you want to know!
Why Do Raccoons Kill Chickens?
Raccoons kill chickens because they’re hungry, and the chickens were easily accessible to them. Raccoons are omnivorous, dexterous, and a lot more intelligent than other predators, so getting into your chicken coop is a lot easier for them than other animals.
Secondly, raccoons are often attracted to the food that you’re feeding your chickens as well. However, while this may attract them at first, the chickens themselves will begin to look like a much more appetizing meal.
How To Tell If Raccoons Are Killing Your Chickens
Before you start trying to prevent raccoons from killing your chickens, it’s important to make sure that they’re the culprit. Here are the main signs that a raccoon is behind your chicken’s death:
Not All The Chicken Has Been Taken
One of the tell-tale signs that a raccoon has killed your chicken is that not all of the body has been taken. In fact, raccoons tend to only eat the breast, head, and internal organs of a chicken while leaving the rest.
In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to do this to multiple chickens in one night.
Eggs Have Been Stolen
Sometimes, when raccoons are done eating the chickens, they’ll take the eggs away with them. Not only this, but if the eggs had been stored in a simple nesting box, then it’s even more likely that raccoons have taken them.
The Gate Was Unlatched
Another clear indicator that raccoons were behind the killings is when the gate has been unlatched. Raccoons are able to understand simple puzzles like latches, whereas other predators aren’t. So if you notice the gate unlatched, a raccoon could be behind it.
Food Containers Were Opened
Just like with the eggs and latches, if you notice that food containers have been opened as well, then it’s likely that a raccoon is the culprit.
Signs Of The Raccoon As Well
Raccoons are quite messy, so it’s not uncommon that they’ll leave signs that they’ve been there. So look for raccoon tracks and scat around the coop and the rest of your yard.
You Might Hear Them
Lastly, you may also hear raccoons at night and wake up in the morning to your chickens being slaughtered. Raccoons are particularly vocal, so if you hear high-pitched chattering or low-pitched growling, then raccoons could be on your property.

How To Stop Raccoons From Killing Your Chickens?
Now that you’re confident that raccoons are killing your chickens, you can begin steps to stop it from happening again! Here are all the different things you can try!
Don’t Feed Them
Raccoons are cute, so it can be hard not to feed them if you see them around your home. However, by feeding them, you’re only encouraging them to come back. And if you’re not around to give them food, they’ll look for it elsewhere.
Not only this, if your house looks suitable, they may also end up deciding they want to make their home there as well!
Upgrade Your Locks
If raccoons are getting into your chicken coop, then it’s time to upgrade the locks. Simple locks and latches just aren’t enough for raccoons, so you’ll need to use something more complicated.
Instead, you should opt for using padlocks or combination locks to be sure that there’s no way raccoons will crack them.
Upgrade The Fencing
As well as upgrading the locks, you should also upgrade the fencing as well. Raccoons are exceptional climbers and adequate diggers, so if they want to get to your chickens, they’ll do everything they can.
Because of this, you should make sure that all fences are at least six feet high and buried two feet deep into the ground.
On top of this, you should also make sure the fence is strong enough. Chicken wire won’t be enough to keep raccoons out; instead, you’ll need to opt for something more heavy-duty, such as a strong chain link fence.
Increase Visibility Around The Coop
You can also increase the visibility around the coop as well. Doing this is going to make it a lot less likely that raccoons will skulk around, and when they do, they’ll be a lot easier to spot as well!
Secure Any Food
You should also make sure that you’re securing the food around your yard and home as well. Any food that is easy to get to will likely attract the raccoons, and then once they’re there, they’ll move on to your chickens.
So by removing the food at the beginning, it’s less likely that raccoons will stick around for the chickens.
As well as this, you should also make sure you’re not leaving pet food out either, as this too will attract raccoons.
Make Sure You Keep An Eye On Eggs And Chicks
As well as keeping an eye on your chickens, look out for the eggs and chicks too. Both of these are going to be easy targets for raccoons, and they’ll do anything they can to get their hands on them.
So make sure you’re collecting eggs regularly and ensuring all the chicks are locked away safely when you’re not watching them.
Keep Your Trash Sealed
You should also make sure your trash is well-sealed. Raccoons enjoy searching through the trash for meals. Making sure they can’t get your trash will therefore make your home far less enticing to them.
Shine Bright Lights At The Raccoon
If you spot raccoons in your backyard or home, when you notice them, shine a bright light on them. This is going to scare them away instantly, and if you do it enough times, they’ll begin to feel like that area is unsafe.
Try Scare Tactics
Things that make noise can be used to scare raccoons away as well. Wind chimes could make a raccoon jump when the wind blows, or leaving a radio on can make it seem to the raccoon that there are people in the vicinity.
Motion Activation Systems
Motion-activated sprinklers and lights can also scare raccoons, so the next time they enter your property, they might be enough to scare them away!
Predator Urine
And lastly, predator urine can be an effective way to get rid of raccoons as well. Bobcats, cougars, and even domestic dogs are all predators to raccoons, so purchasing some predator urine is a great way to deter them!
Now that you know all the different ways you can stop raccoons from killing your chickens, here are some more frequently asked questions people have!
Do Raccoons Kill Chickens During The Day?
Although it’s not nearly as common, it’s still entirely possible that raccoons will kill chickens during the day. This is especially the case with mother raccoons looking for food or new kits learning to hunt.
Do Racoons Kill Roosters?
Raccoons are going to have a lot harder time killing a rooster than other chickens. In fact, there’s a good chance that a rooster would survive a raccoon attack. However, it’s still not recommended to leave your rooster unprotected.
Do Raccoons Eat Chicken Eggs?
Raccoons will eat chickens’ eggs whenever they get the opportunity. In fact, it’s not uncommon for raccoons to steal chicken eggs for later.
Can Raccoons Smell Chickens?
Oftentimes, it’s not the chickens that raccoons smell out, but the chicken feed. Seeds, vegetables, fruit, and scraps are all going to be enticing to a raccoon.
Can You Shoot A Raccoon That’s Attacking Your Chickens?
It’s illegal to discharge a firearm within city limits, so shooting a chicken there will be illegal. If you want to find out whether it’s okay or not, you’d need to check your local laws.
Can Raccoons Give Your Chickens Rabies?
Fortunately, chickens can’t get rabies, so you don’t have to worry about it being passed on to them. With that being said, though, it’s still possible that they could get other illnesses if they get attacked badly.
As you can see, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent your chickens from getting killed by raccoons. And with the right care, you can stop it from happening completely!
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