Why Are Flies Attracted to My Deck: Exploring the Reasons

As a homeowner, you may have noticed that flies tend to swarm around your deck during the warmer months. This can be not only an annoyance but also a potential health hazard. Understanding why flies are attracted to your deck is the first step in preventing and controlling their infestation.

Flies are attracted to anything they think can be a source of food, even if it’s not meant for them. This means if you have a lot of barbecues or frequently eat outdoors on your deck, then flies will be able to smell the food and come looking for a share. Additionally, flies are attracted to moist and decaying organic matter, which can be found in your potted plants or any stagnant water on your deck. Understanding the common attractants on your deck can help you take the necessary steps to prevent and control fly infestation.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the attractants of flies is crucial in preventing and controlling their infestation on your deck.
  • Common attractants on your deck include food, moist and decaying organic matter, and stagnant water.
  • Taking simple steps such as keeping your deck clean and removing potential food sources can prevent fly infestations from ruining your outdoor experiences.

Understanding the Attraction of Flies

As a homeowner, you may have noticed that flies are often attracted to your deck. Flies are a common pest that can be a nuisance, and understanding why they are attracted to your deck can help you prevent infestations.

Flies are attracted to a variety of things, including food, moisture, and warmth. They are also attracted to light and certain colors. House flies and cluster flies are the most common types of flies that you may find on your deck.

One of the main reasons that flies are attracted to your deck is because of food. Flies are attracted to anything that they think can be a source of food, even if it’s not meant for them. This means that if you have a lot of barbecues or frequently eat outdoors on your deck, then flies will be able to smell the food and come looking for a share.

In addition to food, flies are also attracted to moisture and warmth. They are often found near garbage cans, pet waste, and leftover food. If you have any of these items on your deck, it is important to clean them up regularly to prevent fly infestations.

It is also important to note that flies can carry diseases and bacteria, which can be harmful to humans and pets. To prevent fly infestations, it is recommended to use insecticide sprays or traps. However, it is important to use these products safely and according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

In summary, understanding why flies are attracted to your deck can help you prevent infestations. Flies are attracted to food, moisture, warmth, and light. They can carry diseases and bacteria, so it is important to take steps to prevent infestations, such as cleaning up food and waste regularly and using insecticide products safely.

Common Attractants on Your Deck

As someone who spends a lot of time on my deck during the summer months, I’ve noticed that it can be a prime spot for attracting flies. Here are some common attractants to keep in mind when trying to keep flies away from your deck.

Food Sources

One of the biggest attractants for flies is food. If you frequently eat outdoors on your deck, flies will be able to smell the food and come looking for a share. This can include food leftovers, crumbs, and rotting food. It’s important to clean up any food messes as soon as possible to prevent flies from being attracted to your deck.

Pet-Related Factors

If you have pets, they can also contribute to fly attraction on your deck. Pet waste and feces can be a big draw for flies, so it’s important to clean up after your pets regularly. Additionally, if your pets tend to make a mess on your deck, this can also attract flies.

Environmental Factors

Aside from food and pets, there are also environmental factors that can contribute to fly attraction on your deck. Garbage cans and trash cans can be a big draw for flies, so it’s important to keep them sealed and away from your deck. Additionally, if your deck is covered or in a moist area, this can also attract flies.

Overall, keeping your deck clean and free of potential attractants is key to preventing flies from being drawn to your outdoor space. By being aware of the common attractants listed above and taking steps to eliminate them, you can enjoy a fly-free deck all summer long.

Fly Infestation and Its Impact

As someone who loves spending time on my deck, I was frustrated to find that flies were constantly buzzing around me. Not only are they annoying, but they can also be a health hazard. Fly infestations can quickly become a problem, and it’s important to understand the impact they can have.

A fly infestation occurs when there is an abundance of flies in a particular area. Flies are attracted to food, especially rotting food, and they will lay their eggs in these areas. This can quickly lead to a large number of flies, making it difficult to enjoy your deck or outdoor space.

Fly infestations can also lead to the spread of diseases and germs. Flies are known to carry a variety of diseases, including salmonella, E. coli, and cholera. When they land on food or surfaces, they can transfer these germs, potentially making you and your family sick.

In addition to the health concerns, fly infestations can also be a nuisance. The constant buzzing and swarming can make it difficult to relax and enjoy your time outside. It’s important to take steps to prevent and eliminate fly infestations to ensure a comfortable and safe outdoor space.

Overall, fly infestations can have a significant impact on your deck and outdoor space. From health concerns to a lack of comfort, it’s important to take action to prevent and eliminate these pests.

Preventing and Controlling Fly Infestation

As we have seen, flies can be attracted to various things on your deck area, including food, pet waste, and open trash cans. However, there are several ways to prevent and control fly infestation, both naturally and chemically.

Natural Methods

One way to deter flies naturally is to encourage natural predators such as birds, frogs, and spiders. You can also plant herbs like lavender, basil, and mint, which have natural fly-repelling properties. Additionally, you can use essential oils such as peppermint to repel flies.

Citronella candles are another natural method to keep flies away. The scent of citronella is unpleasant to flies, and burning citronella candles can help deter them from your deck area. Scented candles, in general, can also help mask the odors that attract flies.

Fly traps and fly strips are also effective natural methods to control fly infestations. You can make your own DIY fly strips using materials such as paper, honey, and sugar. Fly paper can also be used to trap flies, and fly sprays made from apple cider vinegar and dish soap and water can be used to repel them.

Chemical Methods

Insecticides are a chemical method to control fly infestations. However, it is important to use them with caution, as they can be harmful to both humans and pets. When using insecticides, always follow the instructions carefully and keep them out of reach of children and animals.

Fly zappers are another chemical method to control fly infestations. These devices use UV light to attract flies and electrocute them. However, they can be noisy and may not be suitable for use in all outdoor spaces.

In conclusion, preventing and controlling fly infestations on your deck area can be achieved through natural and chemical methods. By using a combination of these methods, you can effectively deter flies and prevent future infestations.

Professional Pest Control Options

If you’ve tried all the DIY methods to get rid of flies on your deck and haven’t had any luck, it might be time to consider professional pest control options. A professional pest control company has access to specialized tools and techniques that can effectively eliminate flies from your deck and prevent them from coming back.

One such company is Orkin, which offers a range of pest control services, including fly control. Orkin’s trained professionals use a variety of methods to eliminate flies, including:

  • Inspection: Orkin’s technicians will inspect your property to identify the source of the fly infestation and determine the best course of action.
  • Sanitation: Orkin’s technicians will recommend sanitation measures to eliminate breeding sites and food sources for flies.
  • Chemical treatments: Orkin’s technicians will use targeted chemical treatments to eliminate flies and prevent them from coming back.
  • Fly lights: Orkin’s technicians can install fly lights, which use UV light to attract and trap flies.

Orkin also offers ongoing pest control services to prevent future fly infestations. These services can include regular inspections, sanitation measures, and chemical treatments.

It’s important to note that while professional pest control services can be effective, they can also be expensive. Before hiring a pest control company, make sure to get a quote and compare prices with other companies in your area.

In addition to hiring a professional pest control company, there are other steps you can take to prevent flies from infesting your deck. These include:

  • Keeping your deck clean and free of food debris
  • Using screens or netting to keep flies out
  • Using natural repellents, such as essential oils or herbs
  • Installing fans to create a breeze and discourage flies from landing on your deck

By combining these methods with professional pest control services, you can effectively eliminate flies from your deck and enjoy your outdoor space without any unwanted buzzing pests.

Additional Tips and Tricks

In addition to the above tips, there are a few more things you can do to keep flies away from your deck. Here are some additional tips and tricks that can help:

Use Fans

Flies don’t like strong winds, so using fans on your deck can help keep them away. Place fans strategically around your deck to create a breeze that will discourage flies from landing. You can also use ceiling fans if your deck has a roof.

Keep Rats and Possums Away

Rats and possums are attracted to food scraps and garbage, which can also attract flies. To keep these pests away, make sure your garbage cans are tightly sealed and don’t leave any food scraps lying around. You can also use traps or repellents to keep rats and possums away.

Keep Outdoor Cats Away

Cats are known to hunt flies, but they can also attract them to your deck. If you have outdoor cats, try to keep them away from your deck as much as possible. You can also use repellents or barriers to keep cats away.

Avoid Birdhouses and Bat Houses

Birdhouses and bat houses can attract flies and other insects to your deck. If you have these on or near your deck, consider moving them to another location.

Use Pine-Sol

Pine-Sol is a natural fly repellent that can help keep flies away from your deck. Mix Pine-Sol with water and spray it on your deck to repel flies. You can also use Pine-Sol to clean your deck, which will help remove any food or garbage that may be attracting flies.

By following these additional tips and tricks, you can keep flies away from your deck and enjoy your outdoor space without any pesky insects.


Overall, there are several reasons why flies may be attracted to your deck. These include the presence of food, pet waste, and open trash cans. Additionally, certain types of wood may also attract flies.

If you want to get rid of flies on your deck, there are several steps you can take. First, make sure to clean up any food or drink spills immediately, and keep your trash cans closed and away from your deck. You can also try using natural fly deterrents, such as citronella candles or essential oils.

If you have pets, be sure to clean up after them regularly, and consider using a pet waste disposal system to keep their waste contained. You may also want to invest in a fly trap or fly zapper to help control the fly population on your deck.

Overall, by taking a few simple steps, you can help prevent flies from being attracted to your deck and enjoy your outdoor space without the annoyance of these pesky insects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prevent flies from gathering on my deck?

To prevent flies from gathering on your deck, it’s important to keep it clean and free of debris. Make sure to regularly sweep and clean up any food or drink spills. You can also use a fly swatter or fly trap to catch any flies that do make their way onto your deck.

What are some natural ways to repel flies from my outdoor living space?

There are several natural ways to repel flies from your outdoor living space. Some of these include planting herbs like basil, mint, and lavender, which have been known to repel flies. You can also use essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, and peppermint to create a natural fly repellent spray.

Are there any specific materials or finishes that repel flies from decks?

While there are no specific materials or finishes that repel flies from decks, there are some that are easier to clean and maintain. For example, composite decking is less likely to attract flies than wood decking, as it doesn’t absorb moisture or food spills.

What attracts flies to outdoor areas and how can I mitigate it?

Flies are attracted to outdoor areas that have food or moisture sources. To mitigate this, make sure to clean up any food or drink spills, and keep garbage cans tightly sealed. You can also use a fan to create a breeze, which will help keep flies away.

Can certain plants or herbs help keep flies away from my deck?

Yes, certain plants and herbs can help keep flies away from your deck. Some of these include basil, lavender, mint, and rosemary. You can plant these in pots or in a garden near your deck to help repel flies.

Is there a way to get rid of flies on my deck without using harmful chemicals?

Yes, there are several ways to get rid of flies on your deck without using harmful chemicals. You can use a fly swatter or fly trap, or create a natural fly repellent spray using essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, and peppermint. You can also plant herbs like basil, lavender, and mint to help repel flies.

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