How To Get Rid Of Mice In Your RV (And Why They’re There)

Did you happen to see a mouse in your RV?

The first thing you need to do is get rid of this uninvited guest. As long as it remains inside, it will destroy your belongings and damage your mobile home, let alone cause thousands of dollars worth of damage.

But the mere thought of sharing your mobile home with these critters is so disgusting. Besides the odor and filth of mice droppings, they can spread harmful diseases that could threaten your health and safety.  

If you happen to be in a similar situation and are wondering how to get rid of mice in your mobile home, you need to read this blog. We’ll discuss what’s attracting mice to your RV and ways you can get rid of them, no matter where they may be hiding.

What Attracts Mice To Your Mobile Home?

Since a mobile home rests off the ground, small critters like mice can easily find their way in from under your mobile home. There’s more. Without knowing it, you may be putting out a welcome mat for them!

Below is a list of reasons why mice may want to move into your camper.

1. Warmth

Inclement weather will make animals of all sizes look for shelter. And mice are no different. You’ll be surprised to learn that mice can detect the warmth of your RV coming through openings. This is where they let themselves in.

Whether it’s the icy winds of winter or the downpour in summer, the warmth of your mobile home is precisely what a mouse is looking for, especially in late fall.

2. Nesting materials

Mice like to hide, especially from predators. But if they’re about to give birth, they’ll look for places where there is less disturbance. Your mobile home could be the perfect place for them, tucked under the RV or inside its walls.

3. Food

These hungry little scavengers can smell free food anywhere. So, if you’ve left some food lying out, it could attract mice. Are you wondering what mice prefer to snack on? These are just some of the foods that attract mice:

  • Grains
  • Uncooked pasta
  • Sugar, flour, and other baking ingredients
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Granola bars
  • Fruits and berries
  • Pet food
  • Any meat
  • Leftovers

However, it doesn’t stop here. Mice will eat just about anything, from clothes to electrical wiring to paper. But, making sure you don’t leave any food out is a good first step to get rid of mice. 

 4. Pet Waste And Compost

Rats like all kinds of food, such as pet waste and composting food waste. So, keep your mobile home clean!

5. Dripping Water

 Believe it or not, mice get thirsty. A small leak puddle of water, a dripping pipe, or even a birdbath is like a watering hole for a mouse.

6. Safety

Unguarded entryways offer mice the safety they’re searching for. Keeping doors, windows, and vent fans open without using a screen can provide easy access to your RV.

How To Get Rid Of Mice In Your Mobile Home?

Now that you know why your mobile home is so attractive to mice, it’s time to get that mouse you saw this morning out the door.

But before we discuss how to get rid of mice, let’s look at some easy preventative measures. This can ensure that mice and other rodents don’t come to your RV in the first place. Better yet, you’ll learn how to make them stay outside for good.

Knowing what you can do BEFORE a mouse moves in is usually the best course of action. After all, they’re so much easier than trying to find and catch a mouse. Furthermore, it takes a lot of time and effort to get rid of them.

Here are some easy tips to keep your camper rodent-free.

1. Keep It Clean

This is probably the easiest thing you can do. Mice are likely drawn more to your RV due to the availability of food. The first place to focus on is the trash. Keep the trash bin covered. Throw away your garbage in a proper disposal area, preferably away from your mobile home.

But besides this, your RV’s surrounding area should be free from clutter as well. Mice love to nest and burrow, hiding wherever they find warmth and shelter. So even wood piles, leaf litter, and fallen branches can become the perfect home.

2. Restrict Access To Food And Water

Next, focus on food storage. Areas such as the kitchen and pantry offer limitless treats for these furry creatures. Whether it’s your dog’s favorite treat or your freshly cooked dinner, easy access to food is like an open invitation for mice.

Your first line of defense should be to store every edible item in airtight containers. If you plan to leave your RV in storage, do not leave any food in your camper except those available in tin cans.

Clean up spills, wipe counters, and sweep the floor so that they can’t find even a crumb to nibble on. Another thing you should do if you have pets is not to leave their meals lying around. The same goes for bird feeders. Do not hand these creatures a free full-course meal served on a platter.

3. Block All Mouse Entryways

If you see any entry points (inside or outside the RV), you need to block them. Otherwise, the mice will come right back in from wherever they came the first time. Or worse, they might decide to get comfortable inside your RV walls and ceiling.

Inspect every nook and cranny of your RV closely. Pay special attention to points where pipes and wires enter your mobile home, especially on the floor. Don’t forget to crawl under your mobile home and check underneath the RV as well. Rodents can enter your RV from where lines or duct work come into the camper.

You’ll find that plugging a hole with steel wool then using expanding foam to seal the hole brings the best results. You can also caulk around lines and cracks to close any openings or cover them with foil tape.

4. Use Mouse Repellents

Some things can keep mice a bay. Common ones that RV owners say work include:

  • Cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil
  • Fresh cab pouches
  • Irish Spring soap
  • Moth balls
  • Plug-in mouse repellents

5. Bring Down The Comfort Level

If you can keep your RV and its surrounding area clean while also restricting access to food and water, you’re nearly at the finish line. Now all you need to do is stop being so friendly.

Though the following tips do not guarantee positive results, they are worth a shot. Some RV owners have seen outstanding results, while others claim to have witnessed no difference. 

  • You could adopt a cat. Some are great at hunting mice.
  • Mice love dark places, so turn on the lights and make them uncomfortable. Attach lights to the underside of your camper and inside the hood. This may deter mice from getting cozy.
  • Rodents like getting into the engine compartment. They can find the darkness, warmth, and shelter they want. Additionally, they have easy access wires- something mice love to chew. Opening the hood of your motor home exposes mice to the elements.

What To Do If Mice Are In Your Mobile Homes Walls?

Mobile homes are cheaper for a reason. They have less exterior sheathing and insulation material than a traditional brick and mortar building. This is what makes your RV more hospitable to rodents.

Because a mobile home is more susceptible both to infestation and damage, you simply need to work harder on protecting it. Furthermore, the damage from a mouse infestation can quickly magnify.

But what can you do if you know that mice are hiding in the walls of your RV? If you hear sounds of scurrying feet inside the walls, you need to draw them out with food-baited mouse traps.

If you plan to use snap traps, set them along the bottom edges of the walls and near hole openings in the wall. Avoid using cheese (contrary to Tom and Jerry cartoons). A mouse can easily swipe the piece of cheese and avoid the trap. Instead, use peanut butter or hazelnut spread.

You can also use no-kill trap mouse traps if you don’t have the heart to harm your furry friends. No matter which mouse trap you use, check them every day. Dispose of dead mice by throwing them in your trash can. (Don’t forget to wear gloves!)

As for the live ones, relocate them as far away as possible from your mobile home. Consider setting them free over two miles out so that they do not find their way back to your camper.

What To Do If Mice Are In Your Mobile Home’s Ceiling?

Besides the walls, mice can get into the ceiling of your RV. You may have heard them scurrying about at night. If you have a skylight or speakers in the ceiling, you will need to remove them in order to access the ceiling.

Place traps near access points. If you use snap traps, attach a string to the trap in case the mouse drags it off to an unreachable area. Avoid using poison in these traps as the mice tend to die in very inaccessible spaces.

Consider setting up glue traps on top of cabinets. Use peanut butter in the center as it can lure mice from a distance. Be prepared to find a mouse stuck in this extremely sticky glue, possibly within a few hours.

What To Do If Mice Are In Your Mobile Home Ducts?

Since mice love dark places, what could be a better place to hide than the ducts of your RV? In fact, air ducts are common areas where mice like to sleep after a hard day at the office.

If you think there is a mouse in the duct work, you need to act fast. Not only is the smell of mouse urine unbearable, but you are exposing yourself and your loved ones to a health hazard.

All you need to do is catch the critter as soon as it comes out of the duct. Begin by unscrewing and removing the grates that cover the vents. Set up traps in each duct to ensure not a single one gets away. Again, you may have to tie a string to the trap so that you can easily retrieve it later.

Make sure to check the traps every morning. If you see any trapped mice, unscrew the grate and remove the trap. Place the mouse in a bag and throw it away.

Over To You

Living in an RV has numerous benefits. But like any other home you own, it has to be free from pests. A common problem that RV owners face is mice infestation.

Mice can cause hundreds of dollars in damage to your RV. They can tear up the insulation and wiring. If given a chance to nest, they can multiply quickly. You can prevent this problem from occurring in the first place by not attracting mice to your RV.

So what should you do to protect your RV? To recap:

  • Keep it clean and dry
  • Store food in airtight containers while you are staying in your RV
  • Use screens to block entryways
  • Seal any openings, holes, or cracks in the interior or exterior of your camper
  • Seal gaps around doors and windows
  • Repair tears or holes in screens covering the windows, door, or vents

It’s time to get proactive and keep the mice away for good. Consider placing Decon, a potent rat poison, around your mobile home. This will help keep mice away from the vicinity of your place. However, if you have younger children and pets, you need to make sure they do not come in contact with the product.

So are you ready to kick those rodents out? Of course, if all else fails, you may need to hire professionals to get the job done. And the sooner you do that, the better.



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