Do Foggers Kill Flies? A Comprehensive Answer

As someone who has dealt with pesky flies in my home, I have often wondered if foggers are an effective solution to get rid of them. Foggers, also known as bug bombs, are a type of insecticide that releases a mist of chemicals into the air to kill insects. But do they actually work on flies?

Understanding foggers and how they work is important in determining their effectiveness on flies. Foggers contain chemicals that are designed to kill insects on contact, but they may not penetrate all areas of a room or home. This means that some flies may be able to avoid the fog and survive. Additionally, foggers may not be effective in eliminating fly eggs or larvae, which can continue to develop into adult flies. So, while foggers can kill some adult flies, they may not completely eliminate a fly infestation.

Key Takeaways

  • Foggers may not be completely effective in eliminating a fly infestation as some flies may be able to avoid the fog and survive.
  • Foggers may not penetrate all areas of a room or home, allowing some flies to escape.
  • Foggers may not be effective in eliminating fly eggs or larvae, which can continue to develop into adult flies.

Understanding Foggers

Foggers, also known as insect foggers or bug bombs, are a type of pest control device that releases a mist of insecticide into the air to kill flying and crawling insects. They are commonly used in homes, apartments, and other indoor spaces to eliminate pests like flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and ants.

Foggers work by releasing a fine mist of insecticide into the air, which settles on surfaces and kills any insects that come into contact with it. They are typically used in enclosed spaces, such as a room or a car, and are designed to kill insects on contact.

It is important to note that while foggers can be effective at killing flying insects like flies, they are not always the best option for indoor pest control. Foggers can be harmful to humans and pets if not used properly, and they may not be effective at eliminating all types of pests.

Additionally, foggers are not a long-term solution to pest control. They may kill the insects that are present at the time of use, but they do not prevent new insects from entering the space in the future.

When using a fogger, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and to take appropriate safety precautions. This may include wearing protective clothing and masks, ventilating the space before and after use, and keeping pets and children out of the area during and after treatment.

Overall, while foggers can be an effective tool for eliminating flying insects like flies, they should be used with caution and as part of a larger pest control strategy. Other options, such as space sprays, may be more effective at eliminating crawling insects like ants and cockroaches.

Effectiveness of Foggers on Flies

As a professional pest control expert, I have had numerous clients ask me whether foggers are effective in killing flies. The answer is yes, foggers can be effective in killing flies, but it depends on the type of fogger and the severity of the fly infestation.

Foggers, also known as bug bombs, work by releasing a mist of insecticide into the air. The mist settles on surfaces, killing any flies that come into contact with it. However, it is important to note that foggers are not a long-term solution for fly control. They are best used as a supplement to other fly control methods, such as sanitation and exclusion.

When using a fogger to treat a fly infestation, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. Most foggers require the room to be vacated for a certain amount of time, usually a few hours, to allow the mist to settle and the insecticide to do its job. It is also important to cover or remove any exposed food or utensils to prevent contamination.

Foggers can be effective in killing house flies, which are a common household pest. However, they may not be as effective in treating outdoor fly infestations or other types of flies, such as fruit flies.

In conclusion, while foggers can be effective in killing flies, they should be used as part of a comprehensive fly control plan that includes other methods such as sanitation and exclusion. It is also important to follow the instructions carefully and take the necessary precautions when using foggers to avoid any potential health hazards.

Using Foggers in Different Areas

When it comes to using foggers to kill flies, it’s important to know where and how to use them. Here are some tips for using foggers in different areas:


Foggers can be effective in killing flies in the home, but it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. Make sure to cover or remove any food, dishes, and utensils before using a fogger. Also, be sure to turn off any pilot lights and unplug any electrical appliances before using the fogger.

When using a fogger in the home, it’s best to start in the room farthest from the exit and work your way out. This will help ensure that the fog reaches all areas of the home. Be sure to keep all doors and windows closed during and after fogging to allow the fog to settle.


Flies can often be found around eaves and overhangs, so using a fogger in these areas can be effective. However, it’s important to use caution when using a fogger on the exterior of a building. Be sure to wear protective clothing and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

When using a fogger on eaves and overhangs, it’s best to do so early in the morning or late in the evening when the flies are most active. This will help ensure that the fog reaches the flies when they are most vulnerable.


Dumpsters are a common breeding ground for flies, so using a fogger in and around dumpsters can be effective in controlling the fly population. However, it’s important to use caution when using a fogger near a dumpster.

When using a fogger near a dumpster, be sure to wear protective clothing and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. It’s also important to make sure that the area around the dumpster is clear of any flammable materials.

Overall, foggers can be an effective tool in controlling flies in different areas. However, it’s important to use caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Safety Measures While Using Foggers

As someone who has used foggers to control flies, I know that they can be effective, but it is essential to take safety precautions while using them. Here are some safety measures that I recommend:

Clean the Area Before Use

Before using a fogger, it is essential to clean the area thoroughly. This will help ensure that the fogger’s active ingredients can reach the flies and that they are not blocked by debris or other materials. Cleaning the area will also help prevent the fogger from igniting any flammable materials.

Ensure Adequate Ventilation

Foggers can release chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that there is adequate ventilation in the area where the fogger is being used. Open all windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate. If the area does not have proper ventilation, consider using a respirator or other protective gear.

Use the Right Amount of Fogger

Using too much fogger can be dangerous and may not be effective in controlling flies. Therefore, it is essential to use the right amount of fogger for the size of the area being treated. Follow the instructions on the fogger’s label carefully, and do not use more foggers than necessary.

Keep Water Nearby

In case of accidental contact with the fogger’s chemicals, it is essential to have water nearby. Water can help dilute the chemicals and reduce their harmful effects. Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby in case of an emergency.

Watch for Symptoms

Using a fogger can cause nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath. If you experience any of these symptoms while using a fogger, stop using it immediately and seek fresh air. If the symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

By following these safety measures, you can effectively use foggers to control flies while minimizing the risk of harm to yourself and others.

Alternative Methods to Kill Flies

While foggers can be effective in killing flies, there are other methods that can be used as an alternative. Here are some of them:


Fly traps are a common form of pest control that can be used in both industrial and home environments. These traps work by emitting UV light rays that draw the flies in, according to Terminix. Once the flies are attracted to the light, they get stuck on the adhesive surface of the trap. There are different types of fly traps available, including sticky traps, baited traps, and electric traps.


Insecticide sprays can be used to kill flies. Concentrated insecticide sprays can be applied to the exterior of a structure to control a small outdoor population of flies. However, it is important to follow the instructions on the label carefully and use the spray only in areas where it is safe to do so.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils, such as lemongrass, lemon, citronella, and rosemary, are known to have insect-repelling properties. You can use these oils to make a natural fly repellent spray by mixing them with water and spraying the solution in areas where flies are present. However, it is important to note that essential oils should be used with caution as they can be harmful to pets and children.

Fly Bait

Fly bait can be used to attract and kill flies. There are different types of fly bait available, including granular bait, liquid bait, and bait stations. These baits work by luring flies in with an attractive scent and then poisoning them.


A flyswatter is a manual method of killing flies. It is a simple and effective way to get rid of flies, but it requires some skill and patience. You need to be quick and accurate to hit the flies as they fly around. A flyswatter can be used in conjunction with other methods, such as traps and sprays, to control the fly population.

Fly Lights

Fly lights are similar to fly traps in that they use UV light to attract flies. However, instead of using adhesive surfaces to trap the flies, fly lights use an electric grid to zap them. These lights can be used in both indoor and outdoor environments and are effective in controlling the fly population.


Believe it or not, wine can be used to attract and kill flies. Flies are attracted to the scent of wine and will fly into a container of wine, where they will drown. You can use this method by placing a container of wine in areas where flies are present. However, it is important to note that this method may not be effective in controlling a large fly population.

Overall, there are many alternative methods to kill flies that can be used as an alternative to foggers. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to choose the method that is most suitable for your situation.

Dealing with Other Insects

When it comes to insect control, foggers are often marketed as a one-stop solution for a variety of pests. However, it’s important to note that while foggers may be effective against some insects, they may not be the best solution for all types of infestations.

Ants, for example, are unlikely to be affected by foggers as they tend to live in nests and colonies that are difficult to reach with the fog. Instead, ant baits and traps may be a more effective solution.

Spiders, on the other hand, are not typically affected by foggers as they are not insects and do not have the same respiratory systems as insects. Physical removal or using sticky traps may be a better solution for spider control.

Fleas and gnats may be affected by foggers, but it’s important to note that foggers may not reach all areas where these pests may be hiding, such as in carpets or upholstery. In these cases, a combination of foggers and targeted treatments may be necessary.

Cockroaches may be affected by foggers, but it’s important to note that they are often able to survive in even the most inhospitable environments. A more comprehensive approach that includes sanitation measures, targeted treatments, and exclusion techniques may be necessary for effective cockroach control.

Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eliminate and foggers may not be effective in eradicating them. A combination of targeted treatments, heat treatments, and exclusion techniques may be necessary for effective bed bug control.

Silverfish may be affected by foggers, but it’s important to note that they are often able to survive in even the most inhospitable environments. A more comprehensive approach that includes sanitation measures, targeted treatments, and exclusion techniques may be necessary for effective silverfish control.

In summary, while foggers may be effective against some types of insects, they may not be the best solution for all types of infestations. It’s important to identify the specific pest and the extent of the infestation before determining the most appropriate course of action.

Chemical Components of Foggers

Foggers, also known as bug bombs, are pesticide products that contain aerosol propellants that release their contents at once to fumigate an area. The chemical components of foggers vary, but they typically contain one or more of the following active ingredients:

  • Pyrethroids: A class of synthetic insecticides that are chemically similar to natural pyrethrins and have low potential for systemic toxicity in mammals. Pyrethroids are commonly used in insecticide sprays and foggers due to their effectiveness against a wide range of insects.
  • Pyrethrins: Insecticides derived from chrysanthemum flowers (pyrethrum). They are often used in combination with pyrethroids to enhance the effectiveness of foggers against insects. Pyrethrins are generally considered safe for humans and pets, but they can be toxic to fish and other aquatic life.
  • Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs): Chemicals that disrupt the growth and development of insects. They are often used in combination with pyrethroids and pyrethrins to prevent insects from reproducing and to control infestations over the long term.

Some foggers also contain natural ingredients such as peppermint, cedarwood, clove, and eucalyptus. These ingredients are believed to repel insects and may be used in combination with chemical insecticides to enhance their effectiveness.

It is important to note that foggers are not always effective against all types of insects. Some populations of household pests are known to be resistant to certain pesticides, including pyrethroids and pyrethrins. Additionally, improper use of foggers can be dangerous and cause injuries, as they release a large amount of insecticide into the air at once. It is important to follow all safety precautions when using foggers, including covering or removing food, dishes, and utensils, and vacating the area during and after treatment.

Preventing Fly Infestations

As someone who has dealt with fly infestations before, I know how frustrating and unsanitary they can be. Preventing a fly infestation is much easier than getting rid of one, so it’s important to take steps to keep flies away before they become a problem.

One of the most effective ways to prevent flies is to keep your home or business clean. Flies are attracted to garbage, animal waste, and other sources of organic matter, so it’s important to dispose of these items in sealed containers and clean up any spills or messes immediately.

Another way to prevent flies is to seal up any potential entry points. Flies can enter through even the tiniest cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and walls, so it’s important to seal these up with caulk or weatherstripping.

If you have fruit flies, be sure to keep your fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator or in sealed containers. Fruit flies are attracted to overripe or rotting produce, so it’s important to dispose of any spoiled items promptly.

In addition to these measures, there are also a variety of insecticides and repellents that can be used to prevent fly infestations. However, it’s important to use these products carefully and according to the manufacturer’s instructions, as they can be harmful to humans and pets if misused.

Overall, preventing fly infestations requires a combination of cleanliness, sealing up potential entry points, and using insecticides and repellents when necessary. By taking these steps, you can keep your home or business free of flies and other unsanitary pests.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can foggers be used to eliminate flies effectively?

Yes, foggers can be used to eliminate flies effectively. Foggers release a cloud of fog that penetrates the air and helps kill bugs hiding inside the home. They are particularly effective against flying insects like flies.

Are there any risks associated with using bug bombs for fly control?

Yes, there are risks associated with using bug bombs for fly control. Bug bombs, also known as foggers, release a pesticide mist into the air. This mist can settle on surfaces throughout your home, including countertops, floors, and furniture. If not used properly, bug bombs can be hazardous to humans and pets. It is important to carefully follow the instructions on the product label and take appropriate safety precautions.

What is the best fogger to use for getting rid of flies?

The best fogger to use for getting rid of flies will depend on the severity of the infestation and the size of the area you need to treat. Some popular foggers for fly control include the Raid Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger and the Hot Shot Fogger6 with Odor Neutralizer. It is important to carefully read the product label and choose a fogger that is appropriate for your specific needs.

Will a Raid fogger effectively kill flies in my home?

Yes, a Raid fogger can effectively kill flies in your home. Raid offers a variety of foggers that are specifically designed to eliminate flying insects like flies. It is important to carefully read the product label and choose a fogger that is appropriate for your specific needs.

How long does it take for fogging to get rid of flies?

The length of time it takes for fogging to get rid of flies will depend on the severity of the infestation and the size of the area you need to treat. Typically, it can take several hours for the fog to settle and for the pesticide to take effect. It is important to carefully read the product label and follow the instructions for use.

Is it safe to use fly foggers around cattle?

No, it is not safe to use fly foggers around cattle. The mist from the fogger can settle on the animals and potentially cause harm. It is important to carefully read the product label and follow the instructions for use. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with a veterinarian or other qualified professional.

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