Do Mothballs Repel Yellow Jackets? The Truth Revealed

As someone who loves spending time outdoors, I know firsthand the annoyance of having yellow jackets buzzing around. These aggressive wasps can quickly ruin a picnic or outdoor gathering, and their stings can be painful and even dangerous for those with allergies. Many people turn to mothballs as a way to repel yellow jackets, but does this method actually work? In this article, I will explore the effectiveness of mothballs as a yellow jacket repellent and provide alternative solutions for those struggling with these pesky insects.

Understanding Yellow Jackets
Before we dive into mothballs, it’s important to understand what we’re dealing with. Yellow jackets are a type of stinging wasp that are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings. They are attracted to sweet smells and can often be found around trash cans, picnic tables, and outdoor food areas. Yellow jackets can be particularly dangerous for those with allergies, as their stings can cause anaphylaxis in some individuals.

Repelling Yellow Jackets
Mothballs are a common household item that many people use to repel insects and pests. The idea behind using mothballs to repel yellow jackets is that the toxic vapors released by the mothballs will eradicate the insects. However, the effectiveness of this method is up for debate. While some people swear by it, others have found that it has little to no effect on yellow jackets. In the next section, we will explore alternative methods for repelling these pesky insects.

Key Takeaways

  • Yellow jackets are aggressive wasps that are attracted to sweet smells and can be dangerous for those with allergies.
  • Mothballs are a common household item that some people use to repel yellow jackets, but their effectiveness is up for debate.
  • Alternative methods for repelling yellow jackets include using essential oils, traps, and professional extermination services.

Understanding Yellow Jackets

Identifying Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are a type of wasp that are easily identified by their yellow and black markings. They are generally smaller than hornets, measuring only about 1/2 inch in length. Yellow jackets have two pairs of wings, six legs, and two antennae. They are often confused with bees, but yellow jackets have a thinner waist and a more elongated body than bees.

Behavior and Characteristics

Yellow jackets are aggressive and territorial insects that can sting repeatedly. They are hunters and are known to attack other insects, including bees and hornets. They are also known to defend their nests and swarm when threatened. Yellow jackets are more active during the day and are attracted to sweet smells, including food and garbage.

Yellow Jackets vs Other Insects

Yellow jackets are often confused with other stinging insects, including bees, hornets, bumblebees, and honeybees. However, yellow jackets are more aggressive and have a thinner waist and a more elongated body than bees. Hornets are larger than yellow jackets and have a brownish-red color. Bumblebees are larger and have a fuzzy appearance. Honeybees are smaller and have a more rounded body.

Yellow Jackets and Their Environment

Yellow jackets build their nests in a variety of locations, including underground, in trees, and on buildings. They prefer to build their nests in protected areas, such as in wall voids, attics, and porches. Yellow jackets are most active during the summer and fall and can be found in gardens, outdoors, and near water sources.

Yellow Jackets in Different Seasons

Yellow jackets are most active during the summer and fall when they are looking for food and building their nests. In the spring, the queen yellow jacket emerges from hibernation and begins to build her nest. In the winter, the colony dies off, and the queen hibernates until the following spring.

Yellow Jackets and Food Sources

Yellow jackets are attracted to sweet smells and are often found near food sources, including garbage cans and outdoor dining areas. They are also known to hunt other insects, including bees and hornets, for food.

Yellow Jackets and Health Risks

Yellow jacket stings can be painful and can cause allergic reactions in some people. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include headaches, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. In rare cases, yellow jacket stings can cause hemolytic anemia, tremors, and other serious health problems.

Yellow Jackets and Pets

Yellow jacket stings can be painful for pets, especially dogs. Pets that are allergic to yellow jacket stings may experience symptoms such as swelling, hives, and difficulty breathing. It is important to keep pets away from yellow jacket nests and to seek veterinary care if they are stung.

Yellow Jackets and Children

Children are more likely to be stung by yellow jackets than adults, as they are often more active outdoors and may not be aware of their surroundings. It is important to teach children about the dangers of yellow jackets and to supervise them when they are playing outside.

Yellow Jackets and Law

In some areas, it is illegal to kill yellow jackets or to disturb their nests. It is important to check local laws and regulations before attempting to remove a yellow jacket nest. It is also important to use caution when dealing with yellow jackets, as they can be aggressive and territorial.

Repelling Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets can be a nuisance, especially during outdoor events. Fortunately, there are several ways to repel or get rid of them. In this section, I will discuss some effective methods to deter yellow jackets.

Using Mothballs

Mothballs contain either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, which release toxic fumes that repel and even kill yellow jackets. To use mothballs, place them in a porous fabric bag and hang the bag near the yellow jacket nest or the area where they congregate. However, it is important to note that mothballs are toxic to humans and pets, and they can also contaminate the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to use them with caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Natural Remedies

If you prefer natural remedies, there are several options that can deter yellow jackets without harming them or the environment. Peppermint and mint have a sweet scent that yellow jackets dislike. You can plant peppermint or mint around your house or garden to deter yellow jackets. Alternatively, you can mix peppermint oil with water and dish soap in a spray bottle and spray the solution near the yellow jacket nest or the area where they congregate.

Thyme is another natural remedy that can repel yellow jackets. You can plant thyme around your house or garden or hang thyme bundles near the yellow jacket nest or the area where they congregate.

Imitation Nests

Yellow jackets are territorial, and they avoid nesting near other yellow jacket nests. Therefore, you can use imitation nests to deter yellow jackets from nesting near your house or garden. Imitation nests are usually made of paper or plastic and resemble real yellow jacket nests. You can hang them around your house or garden to deter yellow jackets from nesting in the area.


Traps are an effective way to get rid of yellow jackets, especially if they have already formed a nest. You can use commercial wasp traps or make your own trap using a plastic bottle, sweet liquid, and dish soap. To make your own trap, cut the top of the bottle, invert it, and place it back into the bottle. Fill the bottle with a sweet liquid and a few drops of dish soap. The sweet liquid will attract the yellow jackets, and the dish soap will trap them inside the bottle.


There are several commercial and natural repellents that can deter yellow jackets. Commercial repellents usually contain pesticides that kill or repel yellow jackets. Natural repellents include essential oils, such as citronella, eucalyptus, and lemongrass, which have a strong scent that yellow jackets dislike. You can mix these oils with water and spray the solution near the yellow jacket nest or the area where they congregate.

Precautions to Take

When dealing with yellow jackets, it is important to take precautions to avoid getting stung. Wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves and pants, and avoid wearing perfumes or bright colors that can attract yellow jackets. Also, avoid swatting or disturbing yellow jackets, as this can provoke them and make them more aggressive.

In summary, there are several ways to repel or get rid of yellow jackets, including using mothballs, natural remedies, imitation nests, traps, and repellents. However, it is important to use these methods with caution and take precautions to avoid getting stung.

Removal and Extermination of Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets can be a nuisance and a danger to those who are allergic to their stings. If you have a yellow jacket infestation, it is important to take action to remove them as soon as possible. There are two main methods for removing yellow jackets: professional extermination and DIY removal.

Professional Extermination

If you have a large infestation or are unsure of how to safely remove the yellow jackets, it is best to call a professional exterminator. They have the knowledge, experience, and equipment necessary to safely and effectively remove the yellow jackets from your property. They may use a variety of methods, such as insecticides or traps, to eliminate the yellow jackets.

Before hiring an exterminator, make sure to do your research and choose a reputable company. Ask for references and check online reviews to ensure that they have a good track record. It is also important to ask about their methods and any potential risks or side effects.

DIY Removal

If you have a small infestation and feel comfortable doing so, you can attempt DIY removal. There are several remedies and methods that can be effective in removing yellow jackets, such as using a bucket trap or spraying a mixture of water and deodorant.

When attempting DIY removal, it is important to take precautions to ensure your safety. Wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves and pants, gloves, and a hat. Approach the nest slowly and carefully, and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that could provoke an attack.

Safety Measures

Whether you choose professional extermination or DIY removal, it is important to take safety measures to prevent yellow jacket stings. Avoid wearing bright colors or strong fragrances, as these can attract yellow jackets. If you are eating or drinking outside, keep food and drinks covered and dispose of any trash promptly.

If you are stung by a yellow jacket, remove the stinger and wash the area with soap and water. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and take an antihistamine if necessary. Seek medical attention if you experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, or a rapid heartbeat.

In summary, yellow jackets can be a danger to your health and safety. If you have an infestation, consider professional extermination or DIY removal with caution and safety measures.

Impact on Soil and Groundwater

Mothballs and Soil

Mothballs contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment. When mothballs are used in gardens or near plants, the chemicals can seep into the soil and cause damage. The chemicals in mothballs can cause soil to become acidic, which can kill plants and other organisms living in the soil. Mothballs can also cause soil to become contaminated with toxic chemicals. This can make it difficult for plants to grow and for animals to live in the soil.

Mothballs and Groundwater

Mothballs can also have a negative impact on groundwater. When mothballs are used near water sources, the chemicals can seep into the ground and contaminate the water. This can make the water unsafe for humans and animals to drink. The chemicals in mothballs can also cause groundwater to become acidic, which can harm aquatic life.

It is important to properly dispose of mothballs to prevent harm to the environment. Mothballs should never be thrown in the trash or flushed down the toilet. Instead, they should be taken to a hazardous waste facility for proper disposal.

Overall, it is clear that mothballs can be harmful to soil and groundwater. It is important to use alternative methods to repel yellow jackets that do not involve the use of mothballs.


In conclusion, the use of mothballs to repel yellow jackets is a topic that has been debated by experts in the field of pest control. While some claim that mothballs can be effective in deterring these aggressive pests, others argue that the toxic vapors released by mothballs can be harmful to humans and other animals.

If you are considering using mothballs as a yellow jacket repellent, it is important to use them properly and in a safe manner. Mothballs should always be used in well-ventilated areas and kept out of reach of children and pets.

Furthermore, it is important to note that there are other alternative repellents that can be used to deter yellow jackets. These include natural remedies such as peppermint oil, cinnamon, and vinegar, as well as commercial products such as wasp sprays and traps.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of mothballs as a yellow jacket repellent may vary depending on the specific situation and environment. It is always recommended to seek the advice of a professional pest control expert before attempting to use any type of insecticide or repellent.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do mothballs last?

Mothballs can last up to six months, but their effectiveness diminishes over time. It is important to replace them regularly to ensure they continue to repel yellow jackets.

Do dryer sheets keep bees away?

There is no scientific evidence that dryer sheets repel bees or other stinging insects. While some people claim they are effective, it is best to use proven methods like wearing protective clothing and using insect repellent.

How to keep wasps away while tanning?

Wasps are attracted to sweet smells, so it is best to avoid using scented lotions and perfumes while tanning. Additionally, wearing light-colored clothing and avoiding bright floral patterns can help deter wasps.

How to keep wasps away from me?

There are a few ways to keep wasps away from you. First, avoid wearing bright colors or floral patterns as they can attract wasps. Additionally, avoid wearing scented lotions or perfumes as they can also attract wasps. Finally, try to stay calm and still around wasps as sudden movements can provoke them.

Fake Beehive to keep bees away?

Some people believe that hanging a fake beehive can deter bees from nesting in the area. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. It is best to use proven methods like sealing up cracks and crevices and removing potential nesting sites.

What is a good repellent for yellow jackets?

There are several effective repellents for yellow jackets, including insecticidal sprays and traps. It is important to use these products carefully and follow all instructions to ensure safety. Additionally, sealing up cracks and crevices and removing potential nesting sites can help deter yellow jackets from your property.

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