Drain flies are tiny, but they can be an absolute nuisance. As soon as you discover one in your home, you’re bound to see more shortly after on just about every surface. You might notice your cat loves to chase them, but are drain flies harmful to cats?
Cats cannot be harmed by drain flies, thankfully. The worst that might happen is your cat gets a little bit too excited chasing them that they tire themselves out and need an extended nap. However, this doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying to eradicate these pesky bugs.
Are Drain Flies Harmful To Cats?
Drain flies have not been known to be harmful to cats. Many cats won’t even notice their existence, while others might find some entertainment in chasing one around or trying to catch one when they spot them on the wall. These little flies are so tiny that they can’t really do any damage other than causing you distress due to their unsightliness.
Drain flies don’t bite, so they aren’t going to hurt your cat physically if one lands in their fur. Even if they were to bite, there are no known pathogens or diseases that drain flies carry with them.
Are Drain Fly Larvae Harmful To Cats?
You might not be able to find drain fly larvae easily unless you know what you’re looking for. Your feline friend is likely to sniff them out before you do. Rest assured, the larvae or eggs aren’t going to hurt your cat either.
When drain flies are in their worm stage, they tend to scurry around their water source. As a result, there is the potential that these worms can get exposed to some unsavory bacteria.
Are Flies Good For Cats?
There is nothing about flies that are good for cats. The only potential positive of having some kind of fly in your home is that your cat might get some exercise chasing it around the house. Your indoor cat is much less likely to be exposed to different kinds of flies than one who either lives or spends time outdoors.
There are numerous types of flies, some of which bite, and some of which carry diseases around with them that can be transmitted through their bites. Some flies actually prefer to bite animals as their blood is one of their food sources. As such, you don’t want any type of fly in your home in case there are harmful ones in your area.

Can Drain Flies Transmit Disease Through Cat Food?
Drain flies won’t actively seek out your cat’s kibble. They are much more interested in anything that’s moist, so if anything, one is more likely to land in their water. That said, it wouldn’t be unheard of for drain flies to land in the food, either out of curiosity or chance.
Drain flies haven’t been discovered to be carriers of diseases or other illnesses that could make you or your cat sick. One thing to be aware of, however, is that they tend to live in and consume drain water. Since these particular flies enjoy the dirtiest water they can find, if there’s something in the water, it’s possible that drain flies might be exposed to it.
What Would Happen If My Cat Ate A Drain Fly?
Since drain flies don’t harbor any transferable illnesses that we know of, nothing dangerous can occur if your cat eats a drain fly. Your cat is likely to just swallow up a drain fly; they’re so small that they don’t have to be chewed up before they’re swallowed.
As mentioned, there is the potential for drain flies to be exposed to bacteria through their daily activities. It’s possible that this could be transmitted to your cat. Since drain flies are so tiny, your cat would likely have to eat a lot of them in order for this bacteria to harm them, unless your drains have some dangerous bacteria lurking inside.
How To Get Rid Of Drain Flies
Even though drain flies aren’t going to harm anyone, there’s no benefit to having them around. In order to eliminate any drain flies present in your home, there are quite a few things you can do.
Clean Your Drains
You’ll want to make an effort to clean any drains in your home. This includes areas such as sinks, toilets, showers, and anywhere that is often exposed to moisture. Drain flies don’t like clean water, so they’ll likely move on if these areas are cleaned regularly.
Use A Brush In Your Drains
As part of your cleaning routine, be sure to get a long brush that can scrub the insides of your drains thoroughly. This will help to push away any eggs or larvae that have yet to breach the surface.
Deep Clean Your Pipes
To get rid of stubborn clogs as well as pesky drain flies, pour some boiling water down the drain, then follow it up with some baking soda. Let the mixture run its course for some time, then clean it up with more boiling water.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar In Traps
In areas of drain fly infestation, place a bowl of apple cider vinegar and dish soap nearby. These flies will be attracted to it and will fall into it.
Use Duct Tape To Block Drains
Place some duct tape over drains or passageways so that you detect drain flies coming through. Remove it after some time and dispose of it. This helps prevent drain flies from escaping the drains and jumping around your home.
Use BioDrain For Bad Infestations
There are products on the market that can help you eradicate particularly bad infestations of drain flies while simultaneously cleaning your pipes to prevent new infestations. Opt for gel formulas, as sprays can travel through your home and be irritating to you and your cats.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are certain species of flies that are not ideal for your cat to be exposed to for various reasons. However, when it comes to drain flies, there are some areas of concern to be addressed to give cat parents peace of mind.
Can Drain Flies Lay Eggs On Cats?
It’s not likely drain flies would ever want to lay eggs on cats. Since these particular flies enjoy moist areas for feeding and breeding, there’s nothing appealing about your cat’s fur.
Can Drain Flies Give Cats Worms?
There’s no evidence that cats can get worms from drain flies in any capacity. As of now, there aren’t any easily available documents pertaining to worms from drain flies. There are other types of flies that can give your cats worms, but it is yet to be seen with these particular flies.
While drain flies in any stage of life aren’t inherently harmful to your cat, there’s no need to just let them roam free around your home. They seem to multiply pretty quickly, creating an annoying infestation that can be hard to get a grasp on.
Thankfully, there are ways to prevent or treat your home for drain flies to keep them away, many of which are fairly easy for you to do on your own. With bad infestations, your safest bet is to drain gel or contact pest control. Your cat will just have to chase a toy instead.